RECAL Meet and Global Alumni Meet (GAM) 2020 launch Events Stills
NIT Trichy’s alumni association (RECAL) conducted an alumni get-together in Chennai on Saturday, Feb 2nd 2019 at Hotel Turyaa, OMR, Chennai. It was also their occasionto launch the Global Alumni Meet 2020 (GAM 2020) and the recently graduated class of NIT, Trichy in to RECAL. Dr. Mini Shaji Thomas, Director, NIT Tiruchy and Dr. Raman, Dean Alumni Relations, NIT Tiruchy and distinguished alumni from the field of academia, entrepreneurship and corporate were present for the meeting. Welcoming the initiative by the alumni, Dr. Thomas said “NIT Trichy is very fortunate to have leading luminaries as its alumni and is very keen to utilize their passion to give back to the college”.
Dr. Raman, Dean Alumni Relations, NIT Tiruchy spoke about the new established Alumni Institute Interactive Cell (AIIC) at the Institute and the how they will work with RECAL to improve the Alumni interaction with the Institute and to ensure that support Alumni who are thinkers, healers, innovators, guides and keepers of their alma mater. He mentioned some of the initiatives taken such as Alumni Visiting Faculty Program, Alumni Designing Industry specific Courses for students, Alumni Mentorship Program and Internship for students in institutions, companies headed or founded by Alumni.
RECAL has chapters in Tiruchy, Chennai, Bangalore, Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, UAE, Singapore and USA (East & West Coast). Distinguished Alumni of NIT Tiruchy are leading several corporates including Tata & Son’s, TCS, Adobe, Bloom Energy (USA) they are many excelling in Universities & Research Institutions across the globe.
RECAL also unveiled the Internet of Things (IoT) lab sponsored by the batch of 1981 and the Multi-disciplinary Student Innovation Center (SCIEnT) that was set-up through the efforts of the batch of 1990. “We are planning to expand the alumni interaction and work closely with the institute to enhance the brand NIT Trichy” saidMr. Krishna Sai, the president of RECAL. The Chennai chapter’s new headed by Mr. James Walter welcomed the gathering.
RECAL Foundation is Charitable Trust with 80G Exemption and also with the require FCRA Clearances to receive funds from across the globe. Most of the RECAL activities including building of the School in the campus for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff children and also for the children of the surrounding villages, IoT, SCIEnT, Student Scholarships for 52 students are being done through the RECAL Foundation.
As part of the occasion, the Global Alumni Meet (GAM 2020) web site was launched and the registrations were open for the Alumni. Global Alumni Meet (GAM) 2020 is a Mega Event, curated to explore the realm of old memories and new bonds. More than 2000 Alumni from across the globe will be present for GAM 2020 to revisit all the important friendships and enlightened conversations, very interesting panels and talks by distinguished Alumni, Past & Current Directors, Past & Current Deans and Professors, post and with a side of fabulous entertainment.
The Hall of Fame will be launched during GAM 2020 to showcase the achievements of a handful of our Alumni who have scaled the greatest heights. This Hall of Fame will become a permanent affair and will be set up in our Institute. We also intend to add memorabilia and photographs of nostalgic moments of the Alumni, Professors and Institute as a display alongside the Hall of Fame so any Alumni visiting the Institute will have a memorable experience.
The GAM is expected to have more than 2000 Alumni present from across the globe with a focus on Entrepreneurship Development, Start Ups and recognising eminent Alumni for their contributions to academia, entrepreneurship and corporate. GAM 2020 is being held on Jan 4th 2020 at Chennai. Please register for the event at
The IVTL Infoview Technologies Pvt Ltd ( owned by Alumni has already signed to be a lead sponsor for GAM 2020.
For more details please contact:
M. Krishna Sai, RECAL President,
Mobile: +91-99400-12123,
RECAL Secretariat,
Ground Floor, Admin Block, NIT Campus, Thuvakudi, TRICHY-620 015.
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