Arulnithi to Join Radha Mohan Again!!!

The feel good factor makes the  all important associations it is believed. Radha Mohan the director who has all the aces up his sleeves when it comes  to the matter of "Feel good factor"  is rejoining Arulnithi immediately after completing their current association "Brindhavanam".

"The mood of rejoice is all over the unit with the out come of Brindhavanam true to the title of the film. Myself and Radha Mohan sir mutually respect our territories, and the comfortability level has been wonderful through out. We are indeed excited to rejoin again for our next film which will start tentatively from July.  We have locked the script and the title will be announced at an appropriate time. The discussions are on the other artiste and Crew" declared Arulnithi.

