Put Chutney Urges People To Fight For ‘Justice For Santhi’

While the entire country harps about women empowerment, are we really living up to it? It’s time we question our actions before trying to change the world. Culture Machine’s digital channel ‘Put Chutney’ released a Spoken Word ft. Rajmohan video titled ‘Justice for Santhi’, which addresses the discrimination faced by athlete Santhi Soundarajan.

In ‘Justice for Santhi’ Rajmohan talks about that proud moment for India when Santhi won a silver medal at the 2006 Asian Games, everyone rejoiced and the people of Tamil Nadu were elated. It was a rude shock for Santhi when she was stripped of her medal after a gender test stated she was ‘not fit to be a woman’ based on her hormones. Not only was she deprived of her earnest victory but she also faced extreme gender discrimination and was ripped off her womanhood. A similar incident occurred with Caster Semenya, an African sportswoman and Dutee Chand from Odisha. During these crises, Africa and India supported these respective sportswomen and people stood in unity to eliminate any biases. Santhi stood all alone while our society wiped out her identity, is this the way to treat a woman who was once the pride of our nation? We tend to forget the past and move on too soon, turning a blind eye to the repercussions caused by conflicts. We need to stand up for others just the way we would in a personal crisis.

Culture Machine’s digital channel ‘Put Chutney’ released a statement, “We want the nation to support Santhi as she fights for justice against the shameful atrocities faced by her. This video is aimed at the male chauvinistic society to raise an objection towards the unjust gender test inflicted on Santhi.”

We grow these seeds of disharmony and when a new issue crops up, we forget the old ones.
Amnesia seems to be a National plague.
Conflict is a State-level disease.
We only see sport as sport, not the politics within it.

